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बीए सेमेस्टर-1 अंग्रेजी के प्रश्नोत्तर
Tagore and His India (From The Argumentative Indian) - Amartya Sen
In Tagore and His India' Amartya Sen has said Rabindranath Tagore "been born in the West he would now be [as] revered as Shakespeare and Goethe." This is a strong claim, and it calls attention to some greatness in this quintessentially Bengali writer-identified by a fellow Bengali-that might not be readily echoed in the wider world today, especially in the West. For the Bengali public, Tagore has been, and remains, an altogether exceptional literary figure, towering over all others. His poems, songs, novels, short stories, critical essays, and other writings have vastly enriched the cultural environment in which hundreds of millions of people live in the Bengali- speaking world, whether in Bangladesh or in India.
The enthusiasm and excitement that Tagore's writings created in Europe and America in the early years of the twentieth century were quite remarkable. Gitanjali, a selection of his poems for which Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, was published in English translation in London in March 1913 and was reprinted ten times by the time the award was announced in November. For many years Tagore was the rage in many European countries. His public appearances were always packed with people wanting to hear him. But then the Tagore tide ebbed, and by the 1930s the huge excitement was all over. Indeed, by 1937, Graham Greene was able to remark, "As for Rabindranath Tagore, I cannot believe that anyone but Mr. Yeats can still take his poems very seriously.
Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore admired Mahatma Gandhi immensely but differed with him sharply when he departed from adequate reasoning, well-known Indian economist Amartya Sen has said.
Delivering a lecture at the British Museum on 'What difference does Tagore make', Prof Sen said Tagore, who gave Gandhi the title of Mahatma, admired the apostle of nonviolence immensely.
"Tagore admired Mahatma Gandhi immensely and expressed his admiration for his leadership time and again, but sharply differed with him when Gandhi was departing from adequate reasoning," Sen underlined
He cited an earthquake in Bihar in 1934, which killed many people. He quoted Gandhi as saying that this was "a divine chastisement sent by God for our sins, the sin of untouchability."
Tagore was as much concerned about the fight against untouchability, Sen said, but reacting to Gandhi's remark, asserted: "It is all the more unfortunate because this kind of an unscientific view of phenomena are accepted by a large segment of our countrymen."
Amartya sen said "Tagore's impact on Bengali prose was, perhaps, less than the Bengali poetry.
Perhaps, the central issues that moved Tagore most are the importance of open minded reasoning and celebration of human freedom.
In Tagore's vision of the future of his country, and of the world, there was in fact much emphasis on reason and much celebration of freedom- precisely the subjects on which more discussion can have an enormously constructive role today. In a rousing poem, he outlined his vision of what he so strongly desired for his own country and for the whole world:
This places Tagore in somewhat distinct category from his compatriots, said Sen, who was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1999.
हिन्दी सारांश
Tagore and His India' में अमर्त्य सेन ने कहा है कि रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर पश्चिम में पैदा हुए थे. अब उन्हें शेक्सपियर और गोएथे के रूप में सम्मानित किया जाना चाहिए। पक्का दावा है, और यह इस सर्वोत्कृष्ट बंगाली लेखक में कुछ महानता की ओर आकर्षित करता है - जिसे एक साथी बंगाली व्यक्ति द्वारा पहचाना जाता है - जिसे आज व्यापक दुनिया में, विशेष रूप से पश्चिम में आसानी से प्रतिध्वनित नहीं किया जा सकता है। बंगाली जनता के लिए, टैगोर एक पूरी तरह से असाधारण साहित्यिक व्यक्ति रहे है. और अन्य सभी से ऊपर है। उनकी कविताओं, गीतो. उपन्यासों, लघु कथाओं आलोचनात्मक निबन्धों और अन्य लेखो ने उस सांस्कृतिक वातावरण को व्यापक रूप से समृद्ध किया है जिसमें लाखों लोग बंगाली भाषी दुनिया में सोये रहते हैं. चाहे वह बांग्लादेश में हो या भारत में।
बीसवी शताब्दी के शुरूआती वर्षों में टैगोर के लेखन ने यूरोप और अमेरिका में जो उमंग और उत्साह पैदा किया, वह काफी उल्लेखनीय था। गीतांजलि उनकी कविताओं का एक चयन जिसके लिए टैगोर को 1913 में साहित्य में नोबेल पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया था. मार्च 1913 में लंदन में अंग्रेजी अनुवाद में प्रकाशित हुआ था और नवम्बर में पुरुस्कार की घोषणा के समय तक दस बार पुर्नमुद्रित किया गया था। कई वर्षों तक कई यूरोपीय देशों में टैगोर के लिए उत्साह था। उनकी सार्वजनिक उपस्थिति हमेशा उन लोगों से भरी रहती थी, जो उन्हें सुनने की इच्छा रखते थे। लेकिन फिर टैगोर का प्रवाह कम हो गया, और 1930 के दशक तक लोगों में उनका उत्साह खत्म हो गया था। दरअसल, 1937 तक, ग्राहम ग्रीन यह टिप्पणी करने में सक्षम था, "रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर के लिए. मैं विश्वास नहीं कर सकता कि मिस्टर येट्स के अलावा कोई भी उनकी कविताओं को बहुत गम्भीरता से ले सकता है।
जाने-माने भारतीय अर्थशास्त्री अमर्त्य सेन ने कहा है कि नोबेल पुरुस्कार विजेता रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर ने महात्मा गाँधी की बहुत प्रशंसा की. लेकिन जब वे पर्याप्त तर्क से विगत हुए तो उनके साथ उनका मतभेद रहा।
ब्रिटिश संग्रहालय में टैगोर को क्या फर्क पडता है, विषय पर एक व्याख्यान देते हुए प्रोफेसर सेन ने कहा कि गाँधी को महात्मा गाँधी की उपाधि देने वाले टैगोर ने अहिंसा के दूत की अत्यधिक प्रशंसा की।
सेन ने रेखांकित किया, "टैगोर ने महात्मा गाँधी की अत्यधिक प्रशंसा की और उनके नेतृत्व के लिए उनकी प्रशंसा बार-बार व्यक्त की, लेकिन जब गाँधी पर्याप्त तर्क से विगत होते हैं तो उनके (महात्मा गाँधी) के साथ टैगोर के मतभेद भी होते है। जैसे गाँधी जी ने 1934 में बिहार में आए भूकम्प का हवाला दिया, जिसमें कई लोग मारे गए थे। उन्होंने गाँधी को यह कहते हुए उद्धत किया कि यह हमारे पापों के लिए भगवान द्वारा भेजी गई एक दिव्य संज्ञा थी, अस्पृश्यता का पाप।
सेन ने कहा, टैगोर अस्पृश्यता के खिलाफ लड़ाई के बारे में उतना ही चिन्तत थे, लेकिन गाँधी की टिप्पणी पर प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त करते हुए कहा "यह और भी दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है क्योंकि इस तरह के अवैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण को हमारे देशवासियों के एक बड़े अनुभाग द्वारा स्वीकार किया जाता है ।'
अमर्त्य सेन ने कहा, "बंगाली गद्य पर टैगोर का प्रभाव, शायद बगाली कविता से कम था। शायद, जिन केन्द्रीय मुद्दों ने टैगोर की सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित किया, वे खुले दिमागी तर्क और मानव स्वतन्त्रता के उत्सव का महत्त्व है।
अपने देश और दुनिया के भविष्य के बारे में टैगोर नकी दृष्टि में स्वतन्त्रता के थ्य पर बहुत जोर दिया गया था - ठीक ऐसे विषय जिन पर आज अधिक चर्चा की अत्यधिक रचनात्मक भूमिका हो सकती है। एक उत्तेजक कविता में, उन्होंने अपने देश के लिए और पूरी दुनिया के लिए जो इतनी दृढ़ता से चाहते थे, उसके बारे मे अपनी दृष्टि को रेखांकित किया था।
Text 1. In contrast, in the rest of the world especially in Europe and America, the excitement that Tagore's writings created in the early years of the twentieth century has largely vanished. The enthusiam with his work was once greeted was quite remarkable. 'Gitanjali', a selection of his poetry for which he was awarded the Noble Prize in literature in 1913, was published in English translation in London in March of that year and had be reprinted ten times by November. When the award was announced.
Reference - These lines have been taken from the essay Tagore and His India' which is written by Amartya Sen in his famous book "The Argumentative India'. This book is a collection of essays that discuss. India's history and identity, focusing on the traditions of public debate and intellectual pluralism. Amartya Sen is an Indian economist and philosopher, and was awarded by Nobel Prize.
Context - In this essay, Amartya Sen seeks to restore the reputation of Rabindranath Tagore. In these lines, he tells about Tagore's writing, excitement and enthusiasm.
Explanation - Amartya Sen wants to say that Tagore's poetry, novels, short stories and essays are wildely read around the eastern part of India and throughout Bangladesh. But in Europe and America, Tagore's writing which is created in the early year of Twentieth century, has gone. Tagore's enthusiasm with his work was once greeted by everyman. When a selection of his poetry named 'Gitanjali' was published and he got Nobel Prize in literature in 1913. It was published in English translation in London in March of that year and had been reprinted ten times by November when this award was announced for him.
Text 2. Since Rabindranath Tagore and Mohandas Gandhi were two leading Indian thinkers in the twentieth century, many commentators have tried to compare their ideas. On learning of Rabindranath's death Jawaharlal Nehru, then inconcerated in a British jail in India, wrote in his prison diary for 7 August, 1941.
Reference - As above.
Context - In these lines, Amartya Sen introduces Rabindranath Tagore and Gandhiji. They are two Indian thinkers but they think differently. So Sen compares both in their ideas..
Explanation - Here Rabindranath Tagore and Mohandas Gandhi were two types of Indian thinkers in the twentieth century. They were entirely from eachother. Their ideas are compared by many commentators but they are typical Indian, both in the long line of India's great men. It is felt that among the world's great men today Gandhi and Tagore were supreme as human beings. Sen remembers of Rabindranath Tagore death, Jawaharlal Nehru then incarcerated in a British Jail in India, they wrote in his prison diary for 7 August, 1941.
Question- What is an early life and education of Amartya Sen?
Amartya Sen : Early Life and Education : Amartya Sen was born in a Hindu Baidya family in Bengal, British India. Rabindranath Tagore gave Amartya Sen his name. Sen's family was from Wari and Manikganj, Dhaka, both in present day Bangladesh. His father Ashutosh Sen was Professor of Chemistry at Dhaka University, Development Commissioner in Delhi and then Chairman of the West Bengal Public Service Commission. He moved
with his family to West Bengal in 1945. Sen's mother Amita Sen was the daughter of Kshiti Mohan Sen, the eminent Sanskritist and scholar of ancient and medieval India, who was a close associate of Rabindranath Tagore. K. M. Sen served as the Second Vice Chancellor of Visva Bharati University from 1953 to 1954.
Sen began his school education at St. Gregory's School in Dhaka in 1940. In the fall of 1941, Sen was admitted to Patha Bhavana, Shantiniketan, where he completed his school education. The school had many progressive features, such as distaste for examinations or competitive testing. In addition, the school stressed cultural diversity and embraced cultural influences from the rest of the world. In 1951, he went to Presidency College, Calcutta, where he earned a B.A. in Economics with first in the first class, with a minor in Mathematics, as a graduating student of the University of Calcutta. While at Presidency, Sen was diagnosed with oral cancer and given a 15% chance of living five years. With radiation treatment, he survived and in 1953 he moved to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he earned a second B.A. in Economics in 1955 with a first class, topping the list as well. At this time, he was elected President of the Cambridge Majlis. While Sen was officially, a Ph.D. student at Cambridge [though he had finished his research in 1955-56], he was offered the position of First Professor and First Head of the Economics Department of the newly created Jadavpur University in Calcutta. He is still the youngest chairman to have headed the Department of Economics. He served in that position, starting the new Economics Department, from 1956 to 1958.
Meanwhile, Sen was elected to a Prize Fellowship at Trinity College which gave him four years of freedom to do anything he liked; he made the radical decision to study philosophy. One of the books he was the most interested in Kenneth Arrow's "Social Choice and Individual Values."
- Question- Discuss Sri Aurobindo's contribution to Indo-Anglian poetry.
- Question- Discuss Sri Aurobindo as a mystic poet.
- Question- "Tagore is a lyric poet par excellence." Comment.
- Question- "Tagore is not a poet of Bengal, but of India and the world." Discuss.
- Question- Write a note on life and works of K. S. Venkataramani.
- Question- Describe Venkataramani's reflection on village life which he presented in his novels.
- Question- Write the life and writing style of Bhabani Bhattacharya.
- Question- Write about Bhattacharya's concept of Fiction.
- Question- Consider R. K. Narayan as a novelist.
- Question- Describe Indianess in R. K. Narayan's novels.
- Question- Write a note on Mulk Raj Anand's place in English Literature.
- Question- Write a note on the main influences on Mulk Raj Anand.
- Question- What is Mulk Raj Anand's contribution to the development of Indo-Anglian fiction?
- Question- What are the general themes of the novels of Mulk Raj Anand?
- Question- Write a short note on Mulk Raj Anand as a social critic of downtrodden society.
- Question- What is the contribution of Mulk Raj Anand to Indian English Literature?
- Question- Write a detailed life-sketch of Sarojini Naidu. Also describe in her works and contribution towards Indian Writing English.
- Question- Write life and career details of Kamala Markandaya in detail.
- Question- Write a note on the contribution of Kamala Markandaya towards the growth of Indian English Literature.
- Question- Write a comment on Kamala's 'Art of Narration".
- Question- Write a note on life and works of Nayantara Sahgal.
- Question- Write a list of the works of Nantara Sahgal?
- Question- Which is the last novel of Nayantara Sahgal?
- Question- Explain Plot in a Short Story.
- Question- What is characterization in a short story? Discuss the types & importance of characterization.
- Question- What is the meaning of Narrative Techniques? Explain types of narrative technique with examples.
- Question- Write a note on the Narrative structure and its types. Discuss in brief.
- Question- What is prose and what types of prose are found in English Literature?
- Question- What is short story?
- Question- What is an essay?
- Question- Discuss novel.
- Question- What is autobiography?
- Question- What is biography?
- Question- What is play?
- Question- What is Travelogue ? Mention two books that belong to this class of literature.
- Question- Discuss Pamphlet.
- Question- What is biography? Name two famous biographies in English.
- Question- What is an informal essay? Who is a well-known informal essayist of English Literature?
- Question- Distinguish between formal and personal essay. Give examples.
- Question- How would you distinguish between early eighteenth century and early nineteenth century style in literary essay writing?
- Question- What is an autobiography? How is it different from a biography?
- Question- What is theme? Explain in detail.
- Question- What do you know about Sentence Pattern?
- Question- What do you know about Imagery and Explain the types of Imagery?
- Question- What is Tone or Mood? Elaborate it in detail.
- Question- What is the definition of 'Point of View' ?
- Question- What do you understand by Humour ? Also write the characteristics and kinds of it.
- Question- What is the meaning of Analogy?
- Question- What do you mean by Anecdotes?
- Question- What do you mean by Aphorism?
- Question- What are the definitions of Inversion?
- Question- How do you define a theme?
- Question- What is the theme in a story?
- Question- What are the main themes?
- Question- What is imagery and its example?
- Question- Define Pathos in literature.
- Question- What are the origins of Pathos ?
- Question- What is Pathos?
- Question- What are the models of humour?
- Question- What do you mean by Antithesis?
- Question- What do you mean by diction?
- Question- O. Henry's The Last Leaf is the story of perseverance. Discuss.
- Question- Describe the character of Sue in the story 'The Last Leaf.
- Question- How does Johnsy deals with her illness?
- Question- Explain the theme and the title of the story "The Last Leaf."
- Question- Attempt a detailed character sketch of Iona.
- Question- Comment on the setting, theme and tone of the story.
- Question- What message does the story 'Lament' provide?
- Question- Analyse the story with reference to its relevance in the present context.
- Question- Comment on the symbolism in the short story "The Lament'.
- Question- Who is Iona ? What impression of his character do you get from the story?
- Question- Why is it important for Iona to be able to tell someone about his son's death?
- Question- Comment on the indifference that meets Iona's attempts to share his grief with his fellow human beings.
- Question- How does the horse serve as a true friend and companion to Iona ?
- Question- Empathy and understanding are going out of modern society. The individual experiences intense alienation from the society around him or her. Comment.
- Question- Explain in detail the life and work of Guy de Maupassant.
- Question- What is the summary of the story The Terror' by Guy de Maupassant?
- Question- What is the theme of the story The Terror' and describe it in your own words?
- Question- Write the Introduction of the story The Terror'.
- Question- What is the point of view in this story "The Terror' by Maupassant?
- Question- What is meaning of 'Fear' and 'Sense' in this story The Terror?
- Question- What is in Mental Disorder in this story The Terror'?
- Question- The writer presents his attitude towards women in this story "The Terror'. Explain it.
- Question- What is the summary of the story The Barber's Trade Union' by M. R. Anand.
- Question- Who is the Protagonist of the stoey The Barber's Trade Union"?
- Question- Why was Chandu not good at doing sums at school?
- Question- Why did the narrator's mother constantly dissuade him to play with Chandu?
- Question- What is the meaning of Trade Union?
- Question- What is the summary at the story 'Under The Banyan Tree' by R. K. Narayan?
- Question- Describe the village Somal.
- Question- Who is Nambi in the story 'Under the Banyan Tree' ?
- Question- What do you understand by 'enchanter"? Why does the author call Nambi an 'enchanter"?
- Question- What is irony? How does Narayan use it in this story?
- Question- "It was story building on an epic scale." What do you understand by this statement? Elaborate.
- Question- Why does Nambi says, "...... Age, age. What is my age? it has come on suddenly ?"
- Question- Describe Nambi's life after he stops telling stories? Do the villagers reject him?
- Question- Explain "terrible sense of his insignificance" which Ravi feels at the end of the story. What lesson has he learned about life?
- Question- Discuss the various themes in the story.
- Question- Comment on the plot of the story.
- Question- Attempt a detailed character sketch of Ravi.
- Question- What do you know about the setting of the story, 'Games At Twilight'?
- Question- Who is Raghu ? What do you assess about his character?
- Question- Describe the garden in which the children are playing hide and seek.
- Question- What are your impressions of the following children from the first section of the story?
- Question- How is the shed described? Why are these details important to understanding Ravi's feelings?
- Question- How did Ravi lose without being caught?
- Question- Analyse the theme of Bacon's eassy 'Of Studies.'
- Question- Write an essay on Bancon's prose style.
- Question- Critically appreciate Bacon's 'Of Studies'.
- Question- What message does Bacon try to put across in the essay 'Of Studies'?
- Question- The essays of Bacon are concerned only with worldly wisdom and the art of success. Discuss.
- Question- What type of books are recommended by Bacon for studies?
- Question- What are the bad effects of studies according to Bacon?
- Question- How does Bacon justify that various defects of mind can be cured by particular studies?
- Question- Who is the author of 'Of Studies'?
- Question- According to Bacon what is the use of studies?
- Question- How studies are used by different kinds of people?
- Question- Bacon says 'Studies pass into character', explain it.
- Question- Give two features of Bacon's style.
- Question- Quote one sentence Bacon's 'Of Studies', that you like most.
- Question- Ennumerate the advantages of reading books.
- Question- Give two reasons why do you like an essay.
- Question- How, according to Bacon, do history, poetry, mathematics, natural philosophy, moral philosophy and logic and rhetoric help one to improve one self?
- Question- Write a brief note on the life and work of Charles Lamb.
- Question- Give a critical estimate of Lamb as an essayist.
- Question- What are the salient features of Lamb's prose-style?
- Question- Discuss autobiographical element in the essays of Lamb.
- Question- Write a note on Lamb's as a writer of humour and pathos.
- Question- Write a note on Lamb as a lover of peace.
- Question- What happened when Lamb awakened from his dream?
- Question- How does Charles Lamb present his brother John Lamb?
- Question- Examine in short "Dream Children" as a specimen of Dream Literature.
- Question- Analyse the striking qualities of Addison as a satirist ?
- Question- Compare Addison and Steele as critics of the life and manners of their age.
- Question- Write a note on Addison's prose style.
- Question- Briefly analyse Addison's prose style.
- Question- Who was Sir Roger?
- Question- Why is said that Sunday clears away the rest of the whole week?
- Question- Write a note on use of wit, irony and fancy in the essay of Addison?
- Question- What is the significance of a Country Sunday?
- Question- Give a brief note on Addison as a innovator of periodical essays.
- Question- Who is the author of the essay 'Sunday in the Country'.
- Question- Give an introduction of 'Profession For Women' by Virginia Woolf.
- Question- Critical appreciation to 'Profession For Women' by Virginia Woolf.
- Question- What are the main obstacles in Profession For Women' by Virginia Woolf?
- Question- What is the main point of the essay Profession for Women'?
- Question- Describe the full life detail of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
- Question- Write about the famous book "Ignited Minds" of Kalam and its qualities.
- Question- What is an early life and education of Amartya Sen?
- Question- What do you know about Amartya Sen's Career?
- Question- What do you know about Amartya Sen's personal life?
- Question- Write about Amartya Sen's award and honours.
- Question- Give an Introduction to The Argumentative Indian', written by Amartya Sen, in your words.
- Question- How does Amartya Sen portray Tagore in his essay Tagore and His India"?
- Question- What did Rabindranath Tagore do for India?
- Question- What do you mean by Power Point Presentation?
- Question- What are benefits of Power Point?
- Question- Discuss power point presentation.
- Question- What is presentation? How are they created?
- Question- Give the importance of letter writing. What are the types of letters? What are the qualities of a good letter?
- Question- Make an application to the Principal P. P. N. College Kanpur for giving you a full concession in fee.
- Question- Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to allow you to change one of your subjects.
- Question- Write an application to the District Supply Officer for supplying building material.
- Question- Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to grant you leave for four days so that you may attend the marriage ceremony of your elder sister.
- Question- Discuss personal letter. Name the parts of it.
- Question- What do you understand by an Inquiry letter?
- Question- What is complaint letter and also describe the format and examples of it.
- Question- Describe Right to Information letters in detail and also tell the steps to file it.
- Question- Write a note on enquiries, quotations and orders.
- Question- Write a note on complaint and adjustment letter.
- Question- Give the form and contents of an application letter.
- Question- Discuss Resume writing.
- Question- Write down the do's and dont's while preparing your resume.
- Question- Write a note on covering letter of resume.
- Question- Write short note on the following- (a) Bio-data (b) Application blanks.
- Question- Pen down a model of an application to the Vice Chancellor of a University for the post of Assistant Professor of Education.
- Question- Write a detailed note on Online Writing.
- Question- What is a Blog?
- Question- What are the purpose of a blog?
- Question- What is Blog Structure?
- Question- What is blogging?
- Question- What is Content Writing?
- Question- Write the types of Content Writing.
- Question- What is the basics of content writing?